Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Keeping the Humans In"

Eugene, Oregon - A city smart enough to move the garage into the alley in the campus surround and bikes along the river, yet they sure couldn't swing this one...

This tactic, "Keeping the Humans In" as seen on the left, features a quaint four foot guardrail (safety first). Although this clearly disregards Christopher Alexander's A Pattern Language Rule 167 of the the six-foot balcony, it adds in an extra treat on the bottom floor of being unable to utilize the 12+ sq ft outside of the apartment... poor college students. As you can see, the space has never been enjoyed, no cocktail gathering nor chess game has graced this awkward space with happiness.

"I know we've come a long way, we're changing day to day... but tell me, where do the children play?"

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